Children in detention: don't miss Dispatches tonight and our live web chat this Thursday - Refugee Council
November 29, 2010

Children in detention: don’t miss Dispatches tonight and our live web chat this Thursday

By Kelly, Communications Team

Tonight’s Dispatches programme on Channel 4, The Kids Britain Doesn’t Want, looks at the experiences of children in the UK asylum system.

A young Refugee Council client and our Children’s Adviser specialising in age dispute cases, Francesco Jeff, feature in the programme.

Following the programme we’d like to give you the opportunity to ask Francesco questions about his work with children in the asylum system. You might want to ask: how do the authorities determine a child’s age? What work does the Refugee Council do to help children who are unfairly assessed as adults? What is life like in a detention centre?

Francesco will be online on Thursday 2 December at 3pm to answer your questions here on the Poliblog and on our Twitter page.

Please send your question for Francesco to us either in advance or during the webchat by:

  • Emailing it to
  • Tweet your question at @refugeecouncil (remember to use the hashtag #RCQs in your tweet)
  • Posting it on the Refugee Council Facebook page
  • Posting it below!

This is the first time we’ve done anything like this before with our blogs and Twitter page, so we’re hoping it all goes well. Get those questions in and we’ll have our typing fingers primed for action on Thursday!