New Government statistics released today have shown that the number of people applying for asylum in the UK has fallen over the last year.
Despite increased numbers of refugees across the world, only 27,316 asylum applications were made in the UK, a fall of over 25%.
The statistics also show that there has been a 50% increase over that period in the number of asylum cases that are waiting for longer than six months to receive even an initial decision. More than 10,000 applications have not received a decision within that time, despite the overall reduction in applications.
Commenting on the statistics, Lisa Doyle, Executive Director of Advocacy at the Refugee Council said:
“The news that the number of people applying for asylum in the UK has fallen significantly is a stark reminder of the immense difficulties for refugees trying to reach safety here.
“As the numbers of people being displaced worldwide due to violence and war soars to a record high, it is critical the Government expands safe and regular routes for refugees so that they can find the protection they so desperately need.
“It’s shocking that despite the fall in applications, more and more people are having to wait for longer than six months for their case to be decided. This need urgent attention. It means that more people face a life spent in limbo, unable to work and surviving on next to nothing.”