Refugee Council response to Chief Inspector’s report on use of Country of Origin information - Refugee Council
July 13, 2011

Refugee Council response to Chief Inspector’s report on use of Country of Origin information

In response to the Independent Chief Inspector of the UK Border Agency’s report into the use of Country of Origin Information in deciding asylum applications, published today (14th July), Donna Covey, Chief Executive of the Refugee Council, said:

“Once again the Independent Chief Inspector finds inconsistent practice and unjustified assertions made by decision makers at the UK Border Agency.

“We share the Chief Inspector’s concern about the use of policy documents in place of full factual reports and agree that the two should be kept separate.

“It is alarming to see evidence that UKBA decision makers are still making life or death decisions based on selective use of information, speculation and incorrect assumptions. It is no surprise that more than one in four of asylum refusals are overturned on appeal when some case owners show such a cavalier approach to country information. We urge the government to act upon the report’s recommendations without delay.”


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