Response to ruling on giving access to healthcare to all asylum seekers - Refugee Council
April 11, 2008

Response to ruling on giving access to healthcare to all asylum seekers

In response to the ruling in the High Court today that all asylum seekers should have access to healthcare, Donna Covey, Chief Executive of the Refugee Council said:

“This is a very important and welcome judgement. For the last four years we have seen the devastating impact of these regulations: cancer sufferers being denied radiotherapy and an operation, pregnant women refused antenatal care then forced to give birth at home, victims of rape being denied treatment. They have been a nightmare for health professionals, who have found themselves prevented from treating sick people.

“It is a matter of simple humanity to look after people who are unwell. These people are here lawfully and they have made themselves known to the authorities by seeking asylum. Many will have been through terribly traumatic experiences. And almost none have the means to pay for hospital treatment. We hope this ruling will put an end to the practice of preventing vulnerable, ill people from getting the treatment they need.”


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